GPRAGovernment Performance and Results Act of 1993
GPRAGouvernement Provisoire de la Republique Algerienne
GPRAGovernment Performance and Review Act
GPRAGovernment Procurement Reform Act (Philippines)
GPRAGeneral Practice Registrars Australia
GPRAGrand Prairie (Texas)
GPRAGeneral Practice Registrars Association (Australia)
GPRAGeneralized progressive retinal atrophy
GPRAGrande Prairie (Alberta, Canada)
GPRAGeneral Pool Residential Accommodation (India)
GPRAGrillias Pirc Rosier Alves (architecture firm; Irvine, CA)
GPRAGrants Pass Resource Area (Medford, Oregon)
GPRAGrand Prix Riders Association
GPRAGeneric Packet Rate Algorithm
GPRAGreater Peoria Regional Airport (Illinois)
GPRAGriffin Park Residents Association (London, UK)
GPRAGreat Plains Rodeo Association
GPRAfactor G pathway reactive activity
GPRAGlobal Phenolic Resins Association
GPRAGreater Pittsburgh Rabbinic Association (Pittsburgh, PA)
GPRAguinea-pig right atria
GPRAGlider Pilot Regiment Association (UK)
GPRAGesellschaft Public Relations Agenturen eV (Germany)
GPRAGround Penetrating Radar Array
GPRAGas Permeance Rate, argon
GPRAGlobal Paramedic and Rescue Academy (Sharjah, UAE)