Acronym | Definition |
GPSA | Graduate and Professional Student Association |
GPSA | Graduate Program in Sustainable Agriculture |
GPSA | Gas Processors Suppliers Association |
GPSA | Graduate Professional Student Association |
GPSA | Georgia Political Science Association |
GPSA | Graduate and Professional Students Association |
GPSA | Graduate and Professional Student Assembly |
GPSA | Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation |
GPSA | Glass and Pottery Sellers Association |
GPSA | Grid Protein Sequence Analysis |
GPSA | Glenmark Pharmaceuticals SA (Switzerland) |
GPSA | Great Plains Sociological Association |
GPSA | Graduate Program Self-Assessment |
GPSA | Graduate Professional Student Appreciation |
GPSA | Green Party of South Africa |
GPSA | Greater Philadelphia Students Association |
GPSA | GEICO Public Service Awards |
GPSA | Grosse Pointe Soccer Association |
GPSA | Georgian Political Science Association |
GPSA | Greater Philadelphia Suzuki Association |
GPSA | Grande Prairie Soccer Association |
GPSA | Ghana Pharmaceutical Students Association |
GPSA | Greek Psychology Students Association |
GPSA | Graduate Physics Student Association (North Carolina State University) |
GPSA | Gangplank Slipholders Association |
GPSA | Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement |
GPSA | General Public Support Agreement |
GPSA | Greater Peninsula Swimming Association |
GPSA | General Practice Supervisors Association (Australia) |
GPSA | General Practice Society of Australia |
GPSA | Graduate Psychology Student Association |
GPSA | Girls Public School Association (UK) |
GPSA | General Professional Services Agreement |
GPSA | GLIMPSE Point Source Archive |
GPSA | Grand Prize Safety Award |
GPSA | Graduate Professional and Student Association |
GPSA | General Purpose Structural Analysis |
GPSA | Georgia Private Schools Association |
GPSA | General Purpose State Aid |