Acronym | Definition |
GAL | Gallon |
GAL | Global Address List (Microsoft Exchange) |
GAL | Galatians |
GAL | Galileo (unit of gravity) |
GAL | Get A Life |
GAL | Gay and Lesbian |
GAL | galactose |
GAL | Guardian ad Litem |
GAL | Global Administrative Law |
GAL | Groupe d'Action Locale (French: Local Action Group) |
GAL | Gallery |
GAL | Gnome Application Libraries |
GAL | Global Address List |
GAL | Grün Alternative Liste (German: Green Alternative List) |
GAL | Grow and Learn (algorithm) |
GAL | Guarantee against Loss (insurance; various locations) |
GAL | Guild of American Luthiers |
GAL | Global Access List |
GAL | Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (German: Association for Applied Linguistics) |
GAL | Generic Array Logic |
GAL | Grupos Antiterroristas de Liberación (Spain) |
GAL | Gate Array Logic |
GAL | Greyhound Adoption League |
GAL | Galena, AK, USA (Airport Code) |
GAL | Gallium Arsenide Laser |
GAL | Guaranteed Access Level |
GAL | Gradient Adaptive Lattice |
GAL | Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory |
GAL | George A. Lincoln (WWII General) |
GAL | Gas Analysis Laboratory |
GAL | Galindian (linguistics) |
GAL | Guinea Airways, Ltd. |
GAL | Groupe Antiterroristes de Libération (French: Anti-Terrorist Liberation Group) |
GAL | Gathering Arm Loader (mining) |
GAL | Graphics Adapter Language |
GAL | Gimbal Angle Loss |
GAL | Global Access Library |