GALGlobal Address List (Microsoft Exchange)
GALGalileo (unit of gravity)
GALGet A Life
GALGay and Lesbian
GALGuardian ad Litem
GALGlobal Administrative Law
GALGroupe d'Action Locale (French: Local Action Group)
GALGnome Application Libraries
GALGlobal Address List
GALGrün Alternative Liste (German: Green Alternative List)
GALGrow and Learn (algorithm)
GALGuarantee against Loss (insurance; various locations)
GALGuild of American Luthiers
GALGlobal Access List
GALGesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (German: Association for Applied Linguistics)
GALGeneric Array Logic
GALGrupos Antiterroristas de Liberación (Spain)
GALGate Array Logic
GALGreyhound Adoption League
GALGalena, AK, USA (Airport Code)
GALGallium Arsenide Laser
GALGuaranteed Access Level
GALGradient Adaptive Lattice
GALGuggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory
GALGeorge A. Lincoln (WWII General)
GALGas Analysis Laboratory
GALGalindian (linguistics)
GALGuinea Airways, Ltd.
GALGroupe Antiterroristes de Libération (French: Anti-Terrorist Liberation Group)
GALGathering Arm Loader (mining)
GALGraphics Adapter Language
GALGimbal Angle Loss
GALGlobal Access Library