GRIPGolf Research in Play (Grafton, MA)
GRIPGovernance for Railway Investment Projects (UK)
GRIPGroupe de Recherche et d'Information sur la Paix et la Sécurité (French)
GRIPGlobal Health Research Initiative Program (NIH)
GRIPGeneral Rate Income Pool
GRIPGet Rid of Incumbent Politicians (political philosophy)
GRIPGlobal Reach Improvement Program (US DoD)
GRIPGlucocorticoid Receptor-Interacting Protein
GRIPGreenland Ice Project
GRIPGamma Ray Imaging Payload
GRIPGlobally Resilient Internet Protocol
GRIPGroupement de Recherche en Interaction de Particules (French: Research Group for Interacting Particles)
GRIPGeoref in Process (reference database)
GRIPGrants for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
GRIPGeorgia Road Improvement Program
GRIPGroup Retrospective Insurance Plan
GRIPGroup for Recycling in Pennsylvania
GRIPGateway Recovery and Intervention Program
GRIPGospel, Reachout, Inspire, Positive (blog)
GRIPGrass Roots Improvement Program