Acronym | Definition |
GEMS | Global Election Management System (Diebold) |
GEMS | Great Explorations in Math and Science |
GEMS | Gosforth East Middle School (UK) |
GEMS | General Electric Medical Systems |
GEMS | Global Education Management Systems (United Arab Emirates) |
GEMS | Grubb & Ellis Management Services, Inc. (Florida) |
GEMS | Girls Health Enrichment Multi-Site Studies |
GEMS | Global Emergency Management System (FEMA) |
GEMS | Global Enterprise Management System (AT&T) |
GEMS | Global Enterprise Management Solutions |
GEMS | Geological, Environmental and Marine Sciences (various schools) |
GEMS | Girls in Engineering, Mathematics, and Science (est. 1997; Minneapolis, MN) |
GEMS | Great Expectations in Math and Science |
GEMS | Global Entertainment and Media Summit |
GEMS | Generic Error Modeling System |
GEMS | Green Environmental Management System (Federal Facilities Environmental Stewardship and Compliance Assistance Center) |
GEMS | Gulf Ecological Management Site |
GEMS | Global Expeditionary Medical System (US DoD) |
GEMS | Graphical Exposure Modeling System |
GEMS | Global Enterprise Management of Storage |
GEMS | Graded English Medium School (Nepal) |
GEMS | Global Earth-System Monitoring with Satellite and In-Situ Data |
GEMS | Guidance Electronics Miniaturization and Structronics (US DoD) |
GEMS | Government Enterprise Mobility Solutions (Motorola) |
GEMS | Graphics Environment for Multimedia |
GEMS | Ground Element MEECN System |
GEMS | Growing & Empowering Myself Successfully (sorority chapter) |
GEMS | Genuine Empowerment of Mothers in Society (London, England, UK) |
GEMS | Gaston Emergency Medical Services (Gaston County, North Carolina) |
GEMS | Government Electronic Mail System |
GEMS | Gateways to Excellence in Math and Science (University of Texas at Dallas) |
GEMS | Giving Empowers My Sisters (Oshkosh, Wisconsin charitable group) |
GEMS | Graduate Education Management System |
GEMS | Geographic Exploration and Mining Services (Ireland) |
GEMS | Generalized Energy Management Steering |
GEMS | General Energy Management System |
GEMS | Government and Education Management Systems |
GEMS | Generic Establishment Management System |
GEMS | Guide to ES&H Management Structure |
GEMS | Grant Evaluation and Management Solution (software; Mosaic Network, Inc.) |
GEMS | Gyrodata Electronic Magnetic Surveyor |
GEMS | Glockner Engineering & Mining Services (Australia) |
GEMS | General Environmental Message Support |
GEMS | Global Electronic Marketing Services |
GEMS | Global Emerging Market Sector (investing) |
GEMS | Global Environment/al Monitoring System |
GEMS | Galactic Emission Mapping |
GEMS | Grouping Exponents Multiplication and division Subtraction and addition (Order Of Operations Pneumonic) |
GEMS | Girls Enjoying Math & Science (est. 2005) |