Acronym | Definition |
FRAA | Fielding Runs Above Average (baseball) |
FRAA | Foreign Relations Authorization Act (US) |
FRAA | Farmington River Anglers Association (New Hartford, CT) |
FRAA | Free Radio Area of the Americas |
FRAA | Foot Reflexology Awareness Association (Eagle Rock, CA) |
FRAA | Fixed Rank Approximation Algorithm |
FRAA | Front Range Airport Authority (Colorado) |
FRAA | Franklin Regional Athletic Association (Murrysville, PA) |
FRAA | Fire Related Abbreviations and Acronyms (Fire Information Group, UK) |
FRAA | Family Relations Amendment Act |
FRAA | Free Roaming Action Adventure (gaming) |
FRAA | Formación Reticular Activadora Ascendente |
FRAA | Furniture Rental Association of America |
FRAA | Foes of Rome Assembly Alliance |
FRAA | Forked River Assembly Area |
FRAA | Fleet Repairables Assistance Agent |
FRAA | Federal Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1992 (US) |