Acronym | Definition |
HTN | High Blood Pressure |
HTN | Hypertension |
HTN | Hypotension |
HTN | Heroes of the Nation (Redding, CA) |
HTN | Histotechnology (program of study) |
HTN | Hierarchical Task Network |
HTN | Hair Transplant Network |
HTN | Health Thru Nutrition (est. 1993) |
HTN | Hammonton (Amtrak station code; Hammonton, NJ) |
HTN | Hughes Television Network |
HTN | Healthy Teen Network (Baltimore, MD) |
HTN | High-Tech Network (various locations) |
HTN | Help the Needy |
HTN | Hospitality Training Network (Sydney, Australia) |
HTN | Harmonic Termination Network (electrical engineering) |
HTN | Health Transaction Network Inc. (Canada) |
HTN | Home Theatre Network |
HTN | Harvest The Net |