GLMGeneral Linear Model (statistics)
GLMGeneralized Linear Modeling
GLMGilman (Amtrak station code; Gilman, IL)
GLMGeostationary Lightning Mapper
GLMGeneral Linear Model
GLMGigabaud Link Module
GLMGlobal Language Monitor
GLMGrazing Land Management
GLMGlobal Marine (stock symbol)
GLMGood Looking Man
GLMGlucose Limiting Membrane
GLMGraduated Length Method (ski instruction)
GLMGlobal Logistics Management
GLMGreat Lakes Marketing (Toledo, OH)
GLMGood Looking Mom (used in pediatric practices)
GLMGestion des Littoraux et des Mers (French: Management of Coastal Areas and Seas)
GLMGreen Lord Motors Co., Ltd. (Japan)
GLMGel'fand-Levitan-Marchenko (integral equation)
GLMGod Loves Me
GLMGlobal Leadership Meeting
GLMGrain Loss Monitor
GLMGreat Little Machine
GLMGate Level Model
GLMGigabit Linking Module (Emulex)
GLMGold Life-Saving Medal
GLMGay Latin Male
GLMGrating Light Modulator
GLMGeneralized Life Model (reliability)
GLMGeneral Linear Model/Modeling