Acronym | Definition |
GTL | Gym, Tanning, Laundry |
GTL | Genomes to Life (US Department of Energy Office of Science) |
GTL | GLOCK Tactical Light (Smyrna, GA) |
GTL | Gas to Liquids |
GTL | Grand Tourisme Legere |
GTL | Grand Tourisme Luxe |
GTL | Gunning Transceiver Logic |
GTL | Georgia Tech Lorraine (Georgia Institute of Technology; Metz, France) |
GTL | Gunning Transceiver Logic (specialized local bus) |
GTL | Group Term Life (payroll taxable benefit) |
GTL | Genetic Testing Laboratories (various locations) |
GTL | Going through Life |
GTL | Gas-To-Liquid technology (natural gas, synthesis gas) |
GTL | Gem Trade Laboratory (Gemological Institute of America) |
GTL | Green Tea Lemonade (drink) |
GTL | Germanium, Tin and Lead (conference series) |
GTL | Gilway Technical Lamp |
GTL | Genetic Technologies Limited (Australia) |
GTL | Government Task Leader |
GTL | Global Tele-Systems Ltd (India) |
GTL | Gunning Transistor Logic (JEDEC standard JESD8-3) |
GTL | Gun-Target Line |
GTL | Ground Team Leader |
GTL | Generalized Transmission Line (equations) |
GTL | Glass Training Ltd (UK industry training body) |
GTL | Gone to Lunch |
GTL | Game Theory and the Law |
GTL | Geomagnetic Tail Laboratory |
GTL | Greetings Telex Letter |
GTL | Gaseous Tritium Light |
GTL | Gross Trailing Load |