Acronym | Definition |
HTS | Hard To Say |
HTS | Heights |
HTS | Home Theater System |
HTS | High Throughput Screening (biomolecular assay screening) |
HTS | High-Throughput Screening (Pharmaceutical Industry) |
HTS | Harmonized Tariff Schedule |
HTS | High Tensile Strength |
HTS | High Temperature Superconducting |
HTS | Holy Trinity School (Ontario, Canada) |
HTS | High Temperature Superconductor |
HTS | Hitachi Transport System (various locations) |
HTS | Hit the Showers |
HTS | Hindu Temple Society (various locations) |
HTS | High Tensile Steel |
HTS | High Throughput Satellite |
HTS | Home Theater Surround (speakers) |
HTS | Home Team Sports (TV channel) |
HTS | Hi Tech Services (various locations) |
HTS | Human Terrain System |
HTS | Hypertonic Saline (medicine) |
HTS | Harmonized Tariff System |
HTS | Here's The Situation |
HTS | High Temperature Shift |
HTS | High Temperature Solution |
HTS | Hogere Technische School (Dutch Higher Technical School) |
HTS | High Temperature Storage |
HTS | Highway Transportation System |
HTS | High-Throughput Synthesis (chemical biology) |
HTS | Heat Transfer System |
HTS | Home Theatre System |
HTS | Harm Targeting System |
HTS | High-Temperature Semiconductor |
HTS | Hack This Site (website and online community) |
HTS | High Technology Solutions, Inc. |
HTS | Hi-Tech Software (Skowhegan, ME) |
HTS | House Telecommunications Subcommittee |
HTS | Heat Transport Section (US NASA) |
HTS | How To Support |
HTS | Hosted Telephony Services |
HTS | Hypertrophic Scar |
HTS | Huntington / Ashland, WV, USA - Tri-State (Airport Code) |
HTS | Houston Tracker Systems, Inc. |
HTS | Hrvatski Teniski Savez (Croatian Tennis Association) |
HTS | Hybrid Test Set (US Navy aviation Automated Test Equipment) |
HTS | HADAMARD Transform Spectrometer |
HTS | Habilitation Training Specialist |
HTS | Home Theatre Standard |
HTS | Hazard Tracking System (US Army) |
HTS | Hammond Transit System |
HTS | Heure à Taux Spécifique (French: Time Specific Rate) |
HTS | Hrvatski Taekwondo Savez (Croatian Taekwondo Federation) |
HTS | High-Tech Hose Systems |
HTS | Heat Transport Subsystem |
HTS | Hierarchical Transition System |
HTS | Hawaii Tracking System (AFSCN) |
HTS | Hierarchical Tag Set |
HTS | Honours Teaching Scholarship |
HTS | Hekimian Test System |
HTS | Hybrid Trunk System |
HTS | HEW (High-Performance Embedded Workshop) Target Server (Renesas) |