GAMGPS (Global Positioning System)-Aided Munition
GAMGlobal Asset Management (various locations)
GAMGeneralized Additive Models
GAMGround-to-Air Missile
GAMGoat Anti-Mouse (cell biology)
GAMGerakan Aceh Merdeka (Indonesian: Free Aceh Movement)
GAMGlobal Acute Malnutrition
GAMGlobal Alliance Manager
GAMGlobal Account Management
GAMGlobal Allocation Map
GAMGeographic Analysis and Monitoring (USGS)
GAMGroupe d'Animation Musicale (French: Animation Music Group)
GAMGustavo A. Madero (Mexico)
GAMGrupo de Apoyo Mutuo (Spanish: Mutual Support Group; Guatemala)
GAMGreat American Market
GAMGlobal Account Management (Sprint)
GAMGlobal Array Manager (Netframe)
GAMGroupe d'Action Municipale (French: Municipal Action Group)
GAMGay Asian Men
GAMGay Asian Male
GAMGrupo de Ayuda Mutua (Spanish: Mutual Support Group, Guatemala)
GAMGalvanised after Manufacture (materials)
GAMGambell, Alaska (Airport Code)
GAMGroupe pour l'Avancement de la Microchirurgie (French: Group for Advancement of Microsurgery)
GAMGroupe Archéologique du Mesmontois (French: Archaeological Group of Mesmontois)
GAMGrupo Azucarero Mexico
GAMGroupement d'Artisans pour l'Achat de Matériaux (French: Group of Artisans for the Purchase of Materials)
GAMGarage Auto Mercuri (French automobile dealer)
GAMGender Analysis Matrix
GAMGreat Aya and Miki (Japanese band)
GAMGroupe Archéologique de Mouriès (French: Mouriès Archaeological Group)
GAMGroupement Arras Montreuil (French disability association)
GAMGeorgia Anne Muldrow (musician)
GAMGram Atomic Mass
GAMGames Factory Game (File Extension)
GAMGraphic Access Method
GAMGeneralized Admittance Matrix
GAMGeneral Annual Meeting
GAMGamers Against Morons
GAMGravity Assist Manoeuvres (orbiting a planet)
GAMGeneric Aerodata Model
GAMGoodwill Association of Michigan
GAMGiant Activity Matrix (information technology; business rules used by an application)
GAMGeneral Aeronautical Material
GAMGraveyard of the Atlantic Museum
GAMGraphical Asset Management (Sandl)
GAMGuerre Air Mer (French military specifications)
GAMGlaucoma Awareness Month
GAMGerman-American Musicians Association (Buffalo, New York)
GAMGeotechnical Asset Management