GOPGrand Old Party (US Republican political party)
GOPGroup Of Pictures (MPEG)
GOPGovernment Of the People
GOPGovernment of Portugal
GOPGovernment of Pakistan
GOPGrant of Probate (estates)
GOPGuns of the Patriots (gaming)
GOPGroup of Personalities (EU)
GOPGrumpy Old People (Republican Party slang)
GOPGlobalization of Production
GOPGreedy Old Party (political slang)
GOPGod's Own Party (slang for US Republican party)
GOPGlobal Operation
GOPGroup of Pictures
GOPGraph Oriented Programming
GOPGrand Opposition Party (politics)
GOPGlobal Order Promising (Oracle Solutions)
GOPGross Operating Profit
GOPGlobal Outreach Program
GOPGovernment of Panama
GOPGang of Psychos
GOPGreedy Old People
GOPGet Out and Push
GOPGallant Old Party (original meaning)
GOPGazi Osman Pasa (Istanbul City suburb)
GOPGippsland Offshore Petroleum (Gippsland Basin, Australia)
GOPGrundlagen- und Orientierungsprüfung
GOPGuidelines for Operational Planning (NATO)
GOPGestion des Opérations et de la Production
GOPGood Operating Practice
GOPGeological Operations Report (energy production)
GOPGeneral Operational Plot (US Navy)
GOPGeneral Outpost
GOPGlobal Operating Plan
GOPGeneral Operating Procedure
GOPGods of Plastic (Ultimate Frisbee team)
GOPGestión Organizacional de Proyectos (Spanish: Organizational Project Management)
GOPGame On Pause (forum)
GOPGround Observer Post
GOPGauntlet of Power (item found in D&D-type games)
GOPGenerator Oil Pressure
GOPGhosts of Perdition (gaming clan)
GOPGround Operating Procedure (US DoD)
GOPGlobal Oceanic Pollution (James Edward Scherbarth painting)
GOPGas, Oil and Petrol