GOSGloucester Old Spot (pig breed)
GOSGeospatial One-Stop
GOSGuild of Students (various locations)
GOSGovernment of Swaziland
GOSGlobal Observing System
GOSGovernment of Sudan
GOSGlobal Outsourcing Services (various locations)
GOSGlobal Ocean Sampling (genome project)
GOSGrade Of Service
GOSGovernment of Slovenia
GOSGlasgow Outcome Scale
GOSGame Operating System
GOSGround Operating System
GOSGrid Operation System
GOSGrid Object Specification
GOSGlobal Online Service
GOSGain on Sale (accounting)
GOSGross Operating Surplus
GOSGeneral Operating Support (various organizations)
GOSGalacto-Oligosaccharide (saccharide polymer)
GOSGuarantee of Service (U4EA Group Inc.)
GOSGeneral Officer Symposium (US DoD)
GOSGlobal Observation System
GOSGarritan Orchestral Strings
GOSGeneral Ophthalmic Service (UK)
GOSGate-Oxide Short (semi-conductors)
GOSGuild of Service
GOSGate Operating System (Safegate, Sweden)
GOSGeneral Operating Subject (e-learning)
GOSGlobal Operating System
GOSGrand Orchestre du Splendid (band)
GOSGirlfriend Over Shoulder
GOSGeomagnetic Observing System
GOSGaming Operating System
GOSGraphical Operating System
GOSGalveston Ornithological Society (Texas, USA)
GOSGeneric Output Specifications
GOSGeneralized Order Statistic
GOSGovernment Owned Software
GOSGlobal Ozone Sensor
GOSGroup Operating Service
GOSGeneral Overhaul Specification