HAM[not an acronym] slang for Amateur Radio Operator
HAMHamlet (Amtrak station code; Hamlet, NC)
HAMHomotopy Analysis Method
HAMHigh and Mighty
HAMHak Asasi Manusia (Indonesian: Human Rights)
HAMHolla at Me
HAMHost Adapter Module
HAMHard As a Motherf*cker
HAMHardware Modem
HAMHold and Modify
HAMHybrid Access Method
HAMHistorical Anthology of Music
HAMHTLV-1-Associated Myelopathy
HAMHuman Associative Memory (cognition)
HAMHypertext Abstract Machine (computing)
HAMHold And Modify (Amiga Graphics Mode)
HAMHigh Alert Medication
HAMHandheld Amateur Radio
HAMHonda of America Manufacturing, Inc. (automobile manufacturer)
HAMHeight Adjustment Maneuver (US NASA)
HAMHigh Altitude Mountaineering
HAMHospital-Acquired Malnutrition
HAMHigh Availability Module (Internet connectivity)
HAMHamburg, Germany - Fuhlsbuttel (Airport Code)
HAMHumans Against Monsters (gaming, Runescape group)
HAMHydrogenic Atoms in Molecules
HAMHealth, Action, Mind (Star Wars Galaxies)
HAMHumans and Monsters (internet comic)
HAMHospital Account Manager
HAMHistory, Allergies, Medications (medical)
HAMHankel Approximation Method
HAMHaul Ass and Move
HAMHose Assembly Machine
HAMHeat Alcohol Massage (things to avoid post Iinjury)
HAMHemodialysis Access Management (surgery)
HAMHierarchical Archive Manager