Acronym | Definition |
FRF | Fuji Rock Festival |
FRF | French Francs (old currency code; replaced by EUR) |
FRF | Fondation Raoul Follereau (French foundation) |
FRF | Frequency Response Function |
FRF | Federatia Româna de Fotbal (Romanian Futbol Federation) |
FRF | Free Form |
FRF | Field Registration File |
FRF | Frame Relay Fragmentation |
FRF | Facility Request Form (various organizations) |
FRF | Frame Relay Forum |
FRF | FurReal Friends (online community) |
FRF | Field Research Facility |
FRF | Florida Retail Federation |
FRF | Family Radio Face-Held (equipment class) |
FRF | Futenma Replacement Facility (Japan) |
FRF | First Run Features |
FRF | Fatigue Reliability Factor (engineering) |
FRF | Fragment Retention Film (polyester window film) |
FRF | Financial Responsibility Form (various organizations) |
FRF | Fachvereinigung Rohrleitungs Formstücke eV |
FRF | Floating-Point Register File |
FRF | Finnish Rescue Force |
FRF | Fire-Resistant Fuel |
FRF | Foundation for Religious Freedom (Los Angeles, CA, USA) |
FRF | Finite-Rate Feedback |
FRF | Finnish Rugby Federation |
FRF | Flood Relief Fund (Pakistan) |
FRF | Form-Resolving Field (research) |
FRF | Flight Records Folder (USAF) |
FRF | Flat to Round to Flat (cable) |
FRF | Flat Rayleigh Fading |
FRF | Four-Resonator Filter |
FRF | Fact-Related Field |
FRF | Field Reporting Facility |
FRF | Free Realms Forums (website) |