Acronym | Definition |
FRI | Friday |
FRI | Fujitsu Research Institute (Japan) |
FRI | Fire-Rescue International |
FRI | Food Research Institute |
FRI | Forest Research Institute (India) |
FRI | Franklin Resources, Inc. (Franklin Templeton Investments) |
FRI | Frequently Requested Information |
FRI | Fonds Régional d'Investissement (French: Regional Investment Fund) |
FRI | Febrile Respiratory Illness |
FRI | Fisheries Research Institute (Albania, aka: IKPD) |
FRI | Flexible Rate Interface |
FRI | Forrester Research, Inc. |
FRI | Family Research Institute |
FRI | Federation Romande Immobiliere (French) |
FRI | Fédération de Radiologie Interventionnelle (French: Federation of Interventional Radiology) |
FRI | Fellow of the Real Estate Institute (Real Estate Institute of Canada accreditation) |
FRI | Fiduciaire, Révision et Informatique SA (French: Trust, Review and Information; Switzerland) |
FRI | Fourniture Robinetterie Industrielle (French: Industrial Supply Fittings) |
FRI | Final Random Inspection (China) |
FRI | Family Resource Institute |
FRI | Forest Resources Institute |
FRI | Free Roaming Idiots (gaming clan) |
FRI | Florida Rock Industries, Inc. |
FRI | Friends Research Institute, Inc |
FRI | Financial Research Institute |
FRI | Family Reunion Institute |
FRI | Frigate Tuna (FAO fish species code) |
FRI | Foreningen Redd Individet (Norwegian) |
FRI | Fellow of the Royal Institution (of Great Britain; London, England) |
FRI | Freie Regionalkultur Innbrücke |
FRI | Family Restaurants Inc. |
FRI | Fédération Routière Internationale (French: International Road Federation) |
FRI | Future Rent Increases |
FRI | Focused Research Initiative |
FRI | Fidelity Research Institute |
FRI | Modern Frisian (linguistics) |
FRI | Fakulteta za racunalništvo in informatiko (faculty of computer science; Ljubljana, Slovenija) |
FRI | Forestry Resources Inc (Fort Myers, Florida) |
FRI | Field Rework Index |
FRI | Fundamental Review of Infrastructure |
FRI | Full Insuring and Repairing (Lease) |
FRI | Fast Rate Input |
FRI | Field Repeatability Indicator |
FRI | Functional Requirements Identification |
FRI | Floristic Richness Index |
FRI | Final Reference Indicator |
FRI | Fleet Routing Indicator |