GBIGeorgia Bureau of Investigation
GBIGovernment Bond Index (benchmarks)
GBIGulf Bridge International (Doha, Qatar)
GBIGround Based Interceptor
GBIGreen Building Initiative
GBIGlobal Business Identifier
GBIGerman Bold Italic (Towa Tei song)
GBIGreat Britain and Ireland (1801-1921)
GBIGrand Bahama Island
GBIGérard Belon Immobilier (French real estate company)
GBIGreat Bodily Injury (legal)
GBIGhilotti Bros., Inc. (San Rafael, CA)
GBIGuérison des Blessures Intérieures (French: Inner Wound Healing)
GBIDepartment of Genetics and Biotechnology (University of Aarhus; Denmark)
GBIGrassroots Business Initiative (International Finance Corporation)
GBIGroupe Beauséjour Immobilier (French real estate company)
GBIGreen Bank Interferometer
GBIGrave Bodily Injury (law)
GBIGuilty but Insane (law)
GBIGénéral Bâtiment Industrie (French: General Construction Industry)
GBIGénie Bio-Informatique (French: Engineering Bioinformatics)
GBIGrand Bornand Immobilier (French real estate company)
GBIGiornale Botanico Italiano (Italian: Italian Botanist Newspaper)
GBIGain By Inventory
GBIGeneric Bus Interface
GBIGarrett Bureau of Investigation (Garrett County, Maryland)
GBIGoodman-Ball, Industries (Menlo Park, CA)
GBIGesture-Based Interface
GBIGeorgia Boys Incorporated