Acronym | Definition |
HTF | Hard To Find |
HTF | Happy Tree Friends |
HTF | Hit the Floor (band) |
HTF | How To Fight |
HTF | Heat Transfer Fluid |
HTF | Hold the Flag (game) |
HTF | Highway Trust Fund |
HTF | Hoefler Type Foundry (New York typography foundry) |
HTF | Hypersonic Tunnel Facility (US NASA) |
HTF | Hard To Follow |
HTF | Hyper-G Text Format |
HTF | Heat Treat Furnaces (Wisconsin) |
HTF | Hanford Tank Farm |
HTF | Hubble Tuning Fork (astronomy) |
HTF | Hiawatha Temporary Facility (Michigan Department of Corrections) |
HTF | Hardlines Technology Forum (American Hardware Manufacturers Association) |
HTF | Helium Test Facility |
HTF | High Temperature Film |
HTF | Headline Task Force |
HTF | Horizontal Test Facility |
HTF | Harmonic Tight Frame |
HTF | Half The Fight (punk rock band) |
HTF | How the Freak (polite form) |
HTF | Horse Thief Falls (Colorado) |
HTF | Heterogenic Thought Fiction (band) |