GRPGroup (file name extension)
GRPGlass Reinforced Plastic
GRPGlass Reinforced Polyester (composite laminate)
GRPGlobal Retail Partners (Los Angeles, CA)
GRPGenetic Resources Program (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center)
GRPGrant Review Panel (National Health and Medical Research Committee; Australia)
GRPGlobal Research Partnership
GRPGastrin-Releasing Peptide (biology)
GRPGross Rating Point (advertising)
GRPGlobal Remuneration Professional (WorldatWork certification program)
GRPGender Recognition Panel (UK)
GRPGross Rating Point (marketing, television audience)
GRPGigabit Router Processor
GRPGovernment Railway Police (India)
GRPGroup File
GRPGateway Response Protocol
GRPGeneral Reporting Protocol
GRPGross Regional Product
GRPGeneral Reporting Protocol (Climate Registry)
GRPGang Reduction Program (various locations)
GRPGrassland Reserve Program (USDA)
GRPGamma Ray Projector
GRPGraduate Research Program (various organizations)
GRPGlucose-Regulated Protein
GRPGreen Roof Professional
GRPGreen River Preserve (North Carolina)
GRPGrand Rapids Press (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
GRPGinaf Rally Power (Dutch racing team)
GRPGlobal Research Project (various organizations)
GRPGateway Routing Protocol
GRPGeneration Research Program (Germany)
GRPGuidance Replacement Program (Minuteman III)
GRPGentoo Reference Platform
GRPGreen-Rainbow Party (Massachusetts)
GRPGigabit Route Processor
GRPGraduate Registered Physician (Arkansas)
GRPGewex Radiation Panel
GRPGutsy Release Party (Ubuntu)
GRPGlobal Response Pistol (Nighthawk Custom Pistol)
GRPGlobal Resources Program (Association of American Universities and Association of Research Libraries)
GRPGroup Requirements Planning
GRPGood Review Practice (US FDA)
GRPGuild Realm Points (gaming)
GRPGround Rock Phosphate
GRPGross Rent Potential
GRPGround Reference Point
GRPGeophysical Research Program
GRPGlobal Relationship Partner (Qwest)
GRPGuatemala Racing Products
GRPGrant Reporting Portal (US FEMA)
GRPGroited Rubble Paving (construction)
GRPOzark Air Lines, Great Plains Airlines (ICAO code)
GRPGrid Reference Point
GRPGlobal Reference Price
GRPGroundwater Resource Protection
GRPGreatest Response Probability
GRPGuidance Reference Point
GRPGuaranteed Royalty Payment
GRPGuaranteed Renewable Policy(holder) (insurance)