Acronym | Definition |
HA | Hands (Front Page Sports Football '95 et al) |
HA | High Availability |
HA | Highly Available |
HA | Home Agent |
HA | Heart Attack |
HA | Hospital Authority |
HA | Housing Authority |
HA | Home Address |
HA | Haiti |
HA | La Habana (postcode, Cuba) |
HA | Home Alone |
HA | Headache |
HA | Hawaii (old style) |
HA | Highways Agency (England) |
HA | Health Affairs |
HA | Hectares |
HA | Home Automation (residential housing controls) |
HA | Health Assessment |
HA | Hydrogen Alpha |
HA | Health Administration |
HA | High Altitude |
HA | Hells Angels |
HA | Harrow (postcode, United Kingdom) |
HA | Human Anatomy (college course) |
HA | Humanitarian Assistance (US DoD) |
HA | Historical Association (various organizations) |
HA | Hyaluronic Acid |
HA | Humanitarian Assistance |
HA | Half-Assed |
HA | High Authority |
HA | Heritage Area (various locations) |
HA | Hydroxyapatite |
HA | Hospital Acquired (Infection) |
HA | Hidden Ability (Pokémon) |
HA | Hazard Analysis |
HA | Hawaiian Airlines (IATA airline code) |
HA | Hippocampal Atrophy (neurology) |
HA | Hazard Assessment |
HA | Health Advisory |
HA | Hemolytic Anemia |
HA | Humic Acid |
HA | Holding Area |
HA | Hauptabteilung (German) |
HA | High Assurance |
HA | Heavy Armor |
HA | Hepatic Artery |
HA | Housing Allowance |
HA | Histocompatibility Antigen |
HA | Halmahera |
HA | Hour Angle |
HA | Heterocyclic Amine (food mutagen) |
HA | High Ambient (temperature limit) |
HA | Hospitality Association |
HA | High Achiever |
HA | Hemaglutinin (glycoprotein on influenza virus) |
HA | Highways Act 1980 (UK) |
HA | Hazardous Area |
HA | Height-For-Age |
HA | Honorary Alumnus |
HA | Hahnium |
HA | Healthy America |
HA | Hepatitis-Associated |
HA | Home Assignment |
HA | Half Adder |
HA | Hybrid Algorithm |
HA | Hemagglutination Assay |
HA | Haute Activité (French: High Activity; radioactivity) |
HA | Hostile Aircraft |
HA | Hydrocephalus Association |
HA | Hypnotherapy Association |
HA | High-Alarm |
HA | Household Activity |
HA | Haight-Asbury |
HA | Harmonic Approximation |
HA | Heidelberg Appeal |
HA | Hybrid Amplifier |
HA | Hub Architecture |
HA | Hexenyl Acetate |
HA | Hearing Assistant |
HA | Adopted in the House (approved business of the House of Representatives, North Carolina) |
HA | Hatch Act of 1887 |
HA | Hippocampal Asymmetry |
HA | Hardness Assurance (radiation) |
HA | Harmonic Analyzer |
HA | Hall Angle |
HA | Hospitalman Apprentice (US Navy rating) |
HA | Hyper-Androgenism |
HA | Halifax Academy (Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina) |
HA | Hack Addict (eZine) |
HA | Hit Avoidance |
HA | Hit Assessment |
HA | Hydraulic Association (UK) |
HA | Hull Array |
HA | Heavy Assist (nursing) |
HA | Homelan Alliance (gaming clan) |
HA | Hanford Operations Office (Department of Energy) |
HA | Howey Academy (Florida) |
HA | Hipuric Acid |
HA | Heyting Arithmetics |
HA | Heterodyne Amplifier |
HA | Hersteld Actief (Dutch) |
HA | Hard Copy Text or Drawing |