Acronym | Definition |
GU | Guam (US postal abbreviation) |
GU | Global Underground (music label) |
GU | Georgetown University |
GU | Griffith University (Australia) |
GU | Gonzaga University |
GU | Göteborgs Universitet (University of Gothenburg, Sweden.) |
GU | Grow Up |
GU | Guildford (postcode, United Kingdom) |
GU | Genitourinary |
GU | Gallaudet University |
GU | Gastric Ulcer |
GU | Glasgow University (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) |
GU | Graceland University (Iowa) |
GU | Gannon University (Pennsylvania) |
GU | Generalunternehmer (German) |
GU | Gujarat University (India) |
GU | Gently Used |
GU | General User |
GU | Grace University (Omaha, Nebraska) |
GU | Gunma University (Japan) |
GU | Gazi University (Turkey) |
GU | Gaming Universe |
GU | Gomal University (Deraismailkhan, Pakistan) |
GU | Guilan University (Iran) |
GU | Geographical Unit (currency) |
GU | Geographically Undesirable (partner too far away to date on a regular basis) |
GU | Gastroenterology/Urology |
GU | Geometrically Uniform |
GU | Guidance Unit |
GU | Guerilla Unit (gaming group) |
GU | Global Uranium Corporation (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
GU | Geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung (German: Protected Designation of Origin) |
GU | Gaming Union (gaming) |
GU | Gaming Update (forum) |
GU | Gamer Unlimited (forum) |
GU | Gateway Utopia (gaming) |
GU | Grafton and Upton Railroad Company |
GU | Games Unleashed (online gaming community) |
GU | Gamesunderground (gaming) |