GBPUnited Kingdom Pound Sterling (ISO currency code)
GBPGolden Boy Promotions (boxing; Los Angeles, CA)
GBPGreen Bay Packers
GBPGuinea-Bissau Peso (currency)
GBPGreat British Pound (currency; UK)
GBPGlobal Business Plan
GBPGreen Business Park
GBPGastric Bypass
GBPGeorgia Board of Pharmacy (Atlanta, GA)
GBPGain-Bandwidth Product
GBPGameboy Pocket
GBPGreen Business Partnership (various locations)
GBPGood Business Practice(s)
GBPGewestelijk Bestemmingsplan
GBPGlobal Best Practice(s)
GBPGlobal Business Pages (Richmond, VA)
GBPGuardian Building Product (various locations)
GBPGroup Buffer Pool
GBPGameboy Player (Nintendo)
GBPGuanylate Binding Protein
GBPGeneralized Belief Propagation
GBPGameboy Printer (Nintendo)
GBPGravity Based Penalty
GBPGun Buyback Program
GBPGlobal Buffer Pool
GBPGeneral Building Plan
GBPGross Berth Productivity
GBPGlobal Bids and Proposals (Dell EMC)
GBPGlobal Backprojection