Acronym | Definition |
HPAC | Hyde Park Art Center (Chicago) |
HPAC | High Performance Affinity Chromatography |
HPAC | Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning |
HPAC | Hyogo Performing Arts Center (Japan) |
HPAC | Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability |
HPAC | Heat Pump Air Conditioner |
HPAC | High-Pressure Air Compressor |
HPAC | Hunts Point Alliance for Children (Bronx, NY) |
HPAC | Hacking, Phreaking, Anarchy and Cracking (documentary) |
HPAC | Helping Prevent Animal Cruelty |
HPAC | Heating, Plumbing and Air Conditioning |
HPAC | Health Promotion Access Catalogue (UK) |
HPAC | Health Policy Action Committee (medical student education) |
HPAC | Human Powered Alien Craft |
HPAC | Historic Properties Assistance Contribution |
HPAC | Hazard Prediction Analysis Code |