Acronym | Definition |
IDAS | International Defence and Security (various locations) |
IDAS | ITS Deployment Analysis System |
IDAS | Integrated Development Assessment System (Australia) |
IDAS | Icom Digital Advanced System (radio system) |
IDAS | Interactive Defensive Avionics System |
IDAS | Initial D Arcade Stage (game) |
IDAS | Integrated Data Acquisition System |
IDAS | Integrated Design Automation System |
IDAS | Integrated Defensive Avionics System |
IDAS | Identification Division Automated Services |
IDAS | Image Data Acquisition System |
IDAS | Integrated Design And Assessment |
IDAS | Intrusion Detection Alarm System |
IDAS | Image Display and Access Software |
IDAS | Integrated Digital Avionics System |