GIMGrowth Is Madness (advocacy)
GIMGeneral Internal Medicine
GIMGlobal Information Management
GIMGroup Identification Mark
GIMGénie Industriel et Maintenance (French)
GIMGross Income Multiplier
GIMGesellschaft für Informationstechnik und Informationsmanagement
GIMGeneralized Information Management (data recovery system)
GIMGoa Institute of Management (India)
GIMGrosvenor Investment Management (London, UK)
GIMGetupdated Internet Marketing
GIMGas Injection Molding (plastic processing)
GIMGeneral Information Meeting
GIMGaining Inventory Manager
GIMGlobal Investment Meet
GIMGlobal Islamic Media
GIMGeneva Informal Meeting (International Youth Non-Governmental Organizations)
GIMGroup Information Manager
GIMGlobal Ionospheric Map
GIMGlobal Integration and Modeling
GIMGroup Interaction Modelling (predicts the engineering properties of polymers)
GIMGoogle Instant Messanger
GIMGuided Intelligence Model
GIMGeneralized Impedance Matrix
GIMGlass Insulation Material
GIMGlobal Internet Mail
GIMGlobal Implicit Measure (pilot performance analysis)
GIMGeneration Investment Management LLC (hedge fund sponsor; Denver, CO)