Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
GIP | Gibraltar Pound (ISO currency code) |
GIP | Groupement d'Intérêt Public (French) |
GIP | Global Infrastructure Partners (various locations) |
GIP | Global Initiative on Psychiatry (various locations) |
GIP | Gateway Interoperable Protocol |
GIP | Global Ip |
GIP | Garp Information Propagation |
GIP | Graphic Information Processing |
GIP | Gsm Interworking Profile |
GIP | Giudice per le Indagini Preliminari |
GIP | Girl in Progress (film) |
GIP | Glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide |
GIP | Gastric Inhibitory Peptide |
GIP | Geo-Information Processing (University of Twente; Netherlands) |
GIP | Global Internet Project |
GIP | Gas in Place (total volume of natural gas in an underground rock formation) |
GIP | Government Investment Pool |
GIP | Graduate Institute of Peace Studies (est. 1984; South Korea) |
GIP | Games I Play (community) |
GIP | Global Inventory Project |
GIP | General Information Programme (UNESCO) |
GIP | Good Informatics Practices |
GIP | General Intelligence Presidency (Saudi Arabia) |
GIP | Green Industrial Park |
GIP | Gross Internal Product |
GIP | Global Influenza Program |
GIP | Girlchan in Paradise (animated Internet series) |
GIP | Galvanized Iron Pipe |
GIP | Go in Peace |
GIP | Government Industry Partnership |
GIP | Generalized Inner Product |
GIP | Gratuitous Icon Post |
GIP | Gastrointestinal inhibitory peptide |
GIP | Generic Implementation Procedure |
GIP | Gridded Installation Photograph |
GIP | Ground Impact Point |
GIP | Get in Position (San Anselmo, CA) |
GIP | Gestate in Peace |
GIP | Glazed Imitation Parchment |
GIP | Generic Intelligence Plan |
GIP | Generic Interface Processor |
GIP | Geological Investigation Permit |
GIP | GCCS Implementation Procedures |
GIP | Generic Intel Processor |
GIP | Giant Inflatable Penguin (X-Files) |
GIP | Great Indian Peninsular Railroad |
GIP | Global Indirect Procurement |
GIP | Gas Injection Pipeline |
GIP | Gaming Input Protocol |
GIP | Get It Pumped |