HMTHexamethylenetetramine (heterocyclic organic compound)
HMTHemet (Amtrak station code; Hemet, CA)
HMTHuman Metabolome Technologies (Japan)
HMTHead Motion Tracking
HMTHeavy Metal Thunder
HMTHarbor Maintenance Tax
HMTHer Majesty's Treasury (UK)
HMTHealth Management Team (various locations)
HMTHealth Management Technology (magazine)
HMTHazardous Materials Table (49 CFR 172.101)
HMTHold Me Tight (Beatles song)
HMTMarine Helicopter Training Squadron (US Marine Corps)
HMTHospital Management Trust (est. 1985; UK)
HMTHigher Mother Tongue
HMTHeavy Metal Telecaster (guitars)
HMTHindustan Machine Tools Ltd.
HMTHigh Mobility Trailer (US Army)
HMTHauteur Manométrique Totale
HMTHong Kong, Macau, Taiwan
HMTHotel Metropolitan Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)
HMTHired Military Transport (UK)
HMTHis Majesty's Transport
HMTHome Made Turbo (turbos made from fabricated and junkyard parts)
HMTHit-Miss Transform
HMTHazard Mitigation Team
HMTHatfield and McCoy Trails (West Virginia)
HMTHospitality Management and Tourism (education program; various locations)
HMTHelicopter Marine Training
HMTHand-held Maintenance Terminal
HMTHandset Modular Cord
HMTHeavy Mounted Trooper (gaming, Star Wars)
HMTHand-held Multi-media Terminal