Acronym | Definition |
GUS | Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (German: CIS) |
GUS | Gravis Ultrasound |
GUS | Get Unit Status |
GUS | Gravis Ultra Sound |
GUS | Grand Unified System |
GUS | Global University System (est. 1999) |
GUS | Great Universal Stores |
GUS | Grown Up Soda |
GUS | Giornalisti Uffici Stampa (Italian) |
GUS | Guide to the Use of Standards |
GUS | Glen Urquhart School (Beverly, Massachusetts) |
GUS | Genitourinary System |
GUS | Glówny Urzad Statystyczny (Polish: Central Statistical Office) |
GUS | Gruppo Umana Solidarieta (Italian: Human Solidarity Group) |
GUS | Global User Station (Honeywell International Inc.) |
GUS | Geography and Urban Studies (college course) |
GUS | Ground Uplink Station |
GUS | Geographic Underwriting System |
GUS | Genomics Unified Schema |
GUS | Geeklog Usage Stats |
GUS | Greater Universal Stores |
GUS | Ghana Union Stuttgart eV (Stuttgart, Germany) |
GUS | Geographically Unsuitable |
GUS | Goddard Upper Stage |