GUSGemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten (German: CIS)
GUSGravis Ultrasound
GUSGet Unit Status
GUSGravis Ultra Sound
GUSGrand Unified System
GUSGlobal University System (est. 1999)
GUSGreat Universal Stores
GUSGrown Up Soda
GUSGiornalisti Uffici Stampa (Italian)
GUSGuide to the Use of Standards
GUSGlen Urquhart School (Beverly, Massachusetts)
GUSGenitourinary System
GUSGlówny Urzad Statystyczny (Polish: Central Statistical Office)
GUSGruppo Umana Solidarieta (Italian: Human Solidarity Group)
GUSGlobal User Station (Honeywell International Inc.)
GUSGeography and Urban Studies (college course)
GUSGround Uplink Station
GUSGeographic Underwriting System
GUSGenomics Unified Schema
GUSGeeklog Usage Stats
GUSGreater Universal Stores
GUSGhana Union Stuttgart eV (Stuttgart, Germany)
GUSGeographically Unsuitable
GUSGoddard Upper Stage