Acronym | Definition |
FRAS | Frame Relay Access Support |
FRAS | Fonds Régional d'Aide Sociale (French: Regional Fund for Social Aid) |
FRAS | Frame Relay Access Support (Cisco) |
FRAS | Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society |
FRAS | Fire Resistant Anti-Static |
FRAS | Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society |
FRAS | Federal Reserve Automation Services |
FRAS | Frame Relay Access Server |
FRAS | Four Rivers Audubon Society |
FRAS | Florida Resident Assistant Seminar |
FRAS | Free-Rocket Antisubmarine |
FRAS | Fédération Romande d'Airsoft Suisse (Swiss airsoft association) |
FRAS | Force Recording & Analysis System (chiropractic treatment) |
FRAS | Florida Resident Assistant Symposium |