Acronym | Definition |
HSST | High Speed Surface Transport |
HSST | Health and Social Services Trust (UK) |
HSST | Heavy-Section Steel Technology |
HSST | Hybrid Shape-Shifting Trie (router table partitioning) |
HSST | High School Student |
HSST | High Speed Steel Track |
HSST | High School Scheduling and Transcripts |
HSST | Higher Secondary School Teachers |
HSST | Human/Social Services Technology |
HSST | Historical Sea Surface Temperature |
HSST | Hayden Synchronized Skating Teams |
HSST | High Speed Systems and Trains |
HSST | Heat and Salt Stress Tolerance |
HSST | High School Subject Test |
HSST | Hygiène, Sécurité et Situation de Travail (French: occupational health and safety) |
HSST | Hollow Structural Steel Tubing |