Acronym | Definition |
HSV | Hue Saturation Value (color model) |
HSV | Herpes Simplex Virus |
HSV | Holden Special Vehicles |
HSV | Hot Springs Village (Arkansas) |
HSV | High-Speed Vessel (US Navy experimental ship catamaran) |
HSV | Hamburger Sport Verein (soccer team) |
HSV | Hue Saturation Value |
HSV | Holden Special Vehicle |
HSV | Horizontal Size Value |
HSV | High Speed Vehicle |
HSV | Hancock Shaker Village (Pittsfield, MA) |
HSV | Hannoverscher Sport-Verein (German football team) |
HSV | Huntsville/Decatur, AL, USA - Huntsville-Madison County Jetplex (Airport Code) |
HSV | High Sided Vehicle |
HSV | Highly Selective Vagotomy |
HSV | Homebuyers Survey and Valuation (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors; UK) |
HSV | High-Speed Videography |
HSV | Hierarchical Storage Virtualization (Hewlett-Packard) |
HSV | Harmony-Shenandoah Valley (Virginia) |