HSVHue Saturation Value (color model)
HSVHerpes Simplex Virus
HSVHolden Special Vehicles
HSVHot Springs Village (Arkansas)
HSVHigh-Speed Vessel (US Navy experimental ship catamaran)
HSVHamburger Sport Verein (soccer team)
HSVHue Saturation Value
HSVHolden Special Vehicle
HSVHorizontal Size Value
HSVHigh Speed Vehicle
HSVHancock Shaker Village (Pittsfield, MA)
HSVHannoverscher Sport-Verein (German football team)
HSVHuntsville/Decatur, AL, USA - Huntsville-Madison County Jetplex (Airport Code)
HSVHigh Sided Vehicle
HSVHighly Selective Vagotomy
HSVHomebuyers Survey and Valuation (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors; UK)
HSVHigh-Speed Videography
HSVHierarchical Storage Virtualization (Hewlett-Packard)
HSVHarmony-Shenandoah Valley (Virginia)