Acronym | Definition |
HAB | Hot Air Balloon |
HAB | Herzog August Bibliothek (library; Wolfenbüttel, Germany) |
HAB | Habakkuk |
HAB | Habitação (Portuguese: tenement; postal usage) |
HAB | Harmful Algal Bloom |
HAB | Hokuriku Asahi Broadcasting (Japan) |
HAB | Home Affairs Bureau (Hong Kong) |
HAB | Honda Automoveis do Brasil (Portuguese: Honda Automobiles of Brazil; Brazil) |
HAB | Husbands and Boyfriends |
HAB | Habitability |
HAB | Have a Blast |
HAB | Hostile Action Based |
HAB | Habitation Module (Shuttle/Space Station) |
HAB | Healthcare Advisory Board (various organizations) |
HAB | Heavy Assault Bridge |
HAB | Hass Avocado Board |
HAB | Hot And Bothered |
HAB | Hospital Advisory Board (various locations) |
HAB | Hanford Advisory Board |
HAB | Hot Asian Babe |
HAB | Hearing Aid Bank (various locations) |
HAB | Horn of Africa Bulletin |
HAB | Hospital Acquired Bacterameia |
HAB | High Altitude Burst |
HAB | High-Alumina Basalt |
HAB | Hawaii Association of the Blind |
HAB | Housing Assistance Bureau (Montana Department of Commerce) |
HAB | High Availability Board |
HAB | Hot American Babe |