FRLFixed Rate Loan
FRLFilter, Regulator, Lubricator (pneumatics technology)
FRLField Research Laboratory (India)
FRLFull Reservoir Level (hydroelectricity)
FRLFamily Research Laboratory (University of New Hampshire)
FRLFire Resistance Level (grading for building products)
FRLForest Reference Level (climate change)
FRLFraeulein (German: Miss)
FRLFiber Reinforced Laminate (paneling)
FRLFractional Reserve Lending (finance)
FRLFire Research Laboratory (US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives)
FRLFrame Relay Link
FRLFoundation for Rural Living (Canada)
FRLFinished Road Level (civil engineering)
FRLFrench Radio London (radio station; UK)
FRLFantasy Racing League
FRLFormer Regime Loyalists (Iraq)
FRLFree Range Librarian (personal blog)
FRLFlight Refueling Limited (now Cobham PLC; UK)
FRLFree & Reduced Lunch
FRLFrequently Requested Listings (Automated Directory Assistance & Speech-enabled Applications)
FRLFeyenoord Rotterdam Lyrics
FRLFranchise Recruiters, Ltd.
FRLFrame Representation Language (MIT)
FRLFacility Restriction Level
FRLFuture Remnant Liver (hepatectomy)
FRLFuselage Reference Line
FRLFailure Rate Level (standard for electronic components)
FRLFusion Rocket Launcher
FRLFinland-Russia Line (fiber optic)
FRLFinished Roof Level
FRLFeltman Research Labs.
FRLFunctional Requirements Letter
FRLFlorida Right to Life Committee, Inc.
FRLFilter, Air Roll
FRLFiberglass Reinforced Lining (peramenent spa and hot tub refinishing)