Acronym | Definition |
FOP | Fraternal Order of Police |
FOP | Fundamentals of Planning (course) |
FOP | Field of Play |
FOP | Federal Operating Permit (various locations) |
FOP | Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva |
FOP | Factors of Production |
FOP | Frequently Occurring Problem |
FOP | Formatting Object Parser |
FOP | Formatting Objects Processing |
FOP | Fred. Olsen Production (Norway) |
FOP | Fugitive Operations Program (est. 2003; US DHS) |
FOP | Flash Operator Panel |
FOP | Flowery Orange Pekoe |
FOP | Framework of Partnership (various organizations) |
FOP | Fairly Oddparents (cartoon) |
FOP | Front of Pack (food labeling) |
FOP | First-Order Perturbation (nuclear energy) |
FOP | Form of Payment |
FOP | Free Of Payment |
FOP | Follow on Production (US NASA) |
FOP | Formatting Object Processor |
FOP | Feature Oriented Programming |
FOP | Fibrodisplasia Osificante Progresiva (Spanish: Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva) |
FOP | Friends of Police |
FOP | Fédération Française des Producteurs d'Oléagineux et de Protéagineux (French) |
FOP | Flight Operations Plan |
FOP | Fresh Off the Plane |
FOP | Federation of Planets (Star Trek) |
FOP | Forward Observation Post |
FOP | Financial Operating Plan |
FOP | Full Order of Protection (law; various locations) |
FOP | Finished Open Porch (building code) |
FOP | Function Operation |
FOP | Frank O. Pinion (St. Louis radio personality) |
FOP | Field Operating Procedure |
FOP | Formatting-Object Parser |
FOP | Forecast Of Procurement |
FOP | Optical Fibre Plate |
FOP | Fountains of Paradise (Arthur C. Clarke novel) |
FOP | Factory Order Processing |
FOP | Found on Post (US DoD) |
FOP | Fibre Optic Patch |
FOP | Friends of Plaid |
FOP | Furthest-On Point |