FOPFraternal Order of Police
FOPFundamentals of Planning (course)
FOPField of Play
FOPFederal Operating Permit (various locations)
FOPFibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
FOPFactors of Production
FOPFrequently Occurring Problem
FOPFormatting Object Parser
FOPFormatting Objects Processing
FOPFred. Olsen Production (Norway)
FOPFugitive Operations Program (est. 2003; US DHS)
FOPFlash Operator Panel
FOPFlowery Orange Pekoe
FOPFramework of Partnership (various organizations)
FOPFairly Oddparents (cartoon)
FOPFront of Pack (food labeling)
FOPFirst-Order Perturbation (nuclear energy)
FOPForm of Payment
FOPFree Of Payment
FOPFollow on Production (US NASA)
FOPFormatting Object Processor
FOPFeature Oriented Programming
FOPFibrodisplasia Osificante Progresiva (Spanish: Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva)
FOPFriends of Police
FOPFédération Française des Producteurs d'Oléagineux et de Protéagineux (French)
FOPFlight Operations Plan
FOPFresh Off the Plane
FOPFederation of Planets (Star Trek)
FOPForward Observation Post
FOPFinancial Operating Plan
FOPFull Order of Protection (law; various locations)
FOPFinished Open Porch (building code)
FOPFunction Operation
FOPFrank O. Pinion (St. Louis radio personality)
FOPField Operating Procedure
FOPFormatting-Object Parser
FOPForecast Of Procurement
FOPOptical Fibre Plate
FOPFountains of Paradise (Arthur C. Clarke novel)
FOPFactory Order Processing
FOPFound on Post (US DoD)
FOPFibre Optic Patch
FOPFriends of Plaid
FOPFurthest-On Point