Acronym | Definition |
HASP | Health And Safety Plan |
HASP | Houston Automatic Spooling Priority |
HASP | Hardware Against Software Piracy |
HASP | Health and Safety Program (US OSHA) |
HASP | Hardware Against Software Piracy (ProgressSoft Corp.) |
HASP | Houston Automatic Spooling Program |
HASP | Hands on Science Program |
HASP | Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention (cardiology program) |
HASP | Homeowner Affordability and Stability Program (Federal National Mortgage Association) |
HASP | High Altitude Sampling Program |
HASP | HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program (various locations) |
HASP | Hardware-Assisted Software Protection |
HASP | High-Altitude Sounding Projectile |
HASP | Hawai'i Association of School Psychologists |
HASP | Health Area Standards Profile |
HASP | Hand Altitude Sounding Projectile |
HASP | High Altitude Sounding Probe |
HASP | Houston Attached Support Processor |
HASP | High Accuracy Satellite Position |
HASP | High Accuracy Sensor Package |
HASP | Hawaii Armed Services Police |
HASP | High Altitude Space Platform |
HASP | Heuristic Adaptive Surveillance Project |
HASP | Houston Automatic Spooling Prioritizer |
HASP | High Altitude Surveillance Platform |
HASP | Helicopter Aircrew Survivability Program |