HASPHealth And Safety Plan
HASPHouston Automatic Spooling Priority
HASPHardware Against Software Piracy
HASPHealth and Safety Program (US OSHA)
HASPHardware Against Software Piracy (ProgressSoft Corp.)
HASPHouston Automatic Spooling Program
HASPHands on Science Program
HASPHeart Attack and Stroke Prevention (cardiology program)
HASPHomeowner Affordability and Stability Program (Federal National Mortgage Association)
HASPHigh Altitude Sampling Program
HASPHIV/AIDS Surveillance Program (various locations)
HASPHardware-Assisted Software Protection
HASPHigh-Altitude Sounding Projectile
HASPHawai'i Association of School Psychologists
HASPHealth Area Standards Profile
HASPHand Altitude Sounding Projectile
HASPHigh Altitude Sounding Probe
HASPHouston Attached Support Processor
HASPHigh Accuracy Satellite Position
HASPHigh Accuracy Sensor Package
HASPHawaii Armed Services Police
HASPHigh Altitude Space Platform
HASPHeuristic Adaptive Surveillance Project
HASPHouston Automatic Spooling Prioritizer
HASPHigh Altitude Surveillance Platform
HASPHelicopter Aircrew Survivability Program