Acronym | Definition |
ARA | Alcohol Rehabilitation Association (now Addiction Rehabilitation Association; Idaho Falls, ID) |
ARA | Addiction Rehabilitation Association (formerly Alcohol Rehabilitation Association; Idaho Falls, ID) |
ARA | American Rental Association |
ARA | Animal Rights Activist |
ARA | Australian Retailers Association |
ARA | Adaptive Routing Algorithm |
ARA | Automotive Recyclers Association |
ARA | Arachidonic Acid |
ARA | Absolute Risk Aversion |
ARA | Apartment Realty Advisors |
ARA | Abwasser Reinigungs Anlage (German: Sewage Purification Plant; Switzerland) |
ARA | Acetylene Reduction Assay (microbiology) |
ARA | Assessment and Reporting Arrangements (education; UK) |
ARA | Alliance for Retired Americans |
ARA | Application Release Automation |
ARA | Anti-Racist Action |
ARA | Attribute Registration Authority |
ARA | Ati Radeon |
ARA | Antibiotic Resistance Analysis |
ARA | Active Retirement Association |
ARA | Applied Research Associates, Inc. |
ARA | Adams Rite Aerospace (Fullerton, CA) |
ARA | Action Research Arm |
ARA | Atmospheric Research & Analysis (Plano, TX) |
ARA | AppleTalk Remote Access |
ARA | American Rheumatism Association |
ARA | Amateur Rowing Association (UK) |
ARA | Awards and Recognition Association |
ARA | Apple Remote Access |
ARA | Airborne Research Australia |
ARA | Altstoff Recycling Austria (est. 1993; Vienna, Austria) |
ARA | Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp (shipping industry) |
ARA | Algemeen Rijksarchief |
ARA | Agricultural Retailers Association |
ARA | American Running Association |
ARA | Associate of the Royal Academy |
ARA | Aerial Rocket Artillery |
ARA | American Relief Administration (foreign aid group) |
ARA | American Railway Association |
ARA | Aryan Republican Army (US militia organization) |
ARA | Annual Review of Anthropology (journal) |
ARA | American Red Angus (magazine; Red Angus Association of America) |
ARA | Advanced Risk Assessment (various organizations) |
ARA | Accredited Rural Appraiser (American Society of Farm Managers & Rural Appraisers, ASFMRA) |
ARA | Animal Rights Africa |
ARA | Australian Regular Army |
ARA | Asset Recovery Agency (UK legislation) |
ARA | Armada de la República Argentina (Argentine navy) |
ARA | Assistant Regional Administrator |
ARA | Amis de la Reliure d'Art (French: Friends of the Art of Bookbinding; est. 1982) |
ARA | Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology |
ARA | Animal Research Act (Australia) |
ARA | Autour des Rythmes Actuels (French: Around Rhythms Current; music association) |
ARA | Area Redevelopment Administration |
ARA | Audience Research Analysis (Company) |
ARA | Antenna Research Associates |
ARA | Alabama Retail Association |
ARA | Automotive Resources Asia (est. 1993; Thailand) |
ARA | Australian Rogaining Association |
ARA | Associate Regional Administrator |
ARA | Ada Resource Association (trade group) |
ARA | American Restroom Association (now North American Restroom Association) |
ARA | American Revenue Association |
ARA | Academic Research Alliance |
ARA | American Retirees Association |
ARA | Argentina Austral (national currency since 1985; replaced by new Peso, 1992) |
ARA | Acquisition Resources and Analysis (Directorate in the Office of the Secretary of Defense) |
ARA | Association of Relocation Agents |
ARA | Airborne Radar Approach |
ARA | Associate Reinsurance Administration (LOMA designation) |
ARA | Auxiliary Reactor Area (Idaho National Laboratory) |
ARA | Adenosine Receptor Agonist |
ARA | Agricultural Research Administration |
ARA | Association of Retired Americans |
ARA | Annual Reports and Accounts |
ARA | Accumulate-Repeat-Accumulate (coding scheme) |
ARA | Address Resolution Advertisement (ATM networking) |
ARA | Attitude Reference Assembly |
ARA | Avert Risk Assessment (anti-virus ERT) |
ARA | Army Radiation Authorization |
ARA | Assigned Responsible Agency |
ARA | Audubon Recreation Association (Pennsylvania) |
ARA | Androgen Receptor-Associated Coregulator |
ARA | American Romagnola Association |
ARA | Autoresonant Accelerator |
ARA | Automatic Reimbursement Authority |
ARA | American Remount Association |
ARA | Airborne Relay Aircraft |
ARA | Association of Roman Archaeology |
ARA | Airborne Radio Auxiliary (Assembly) |
ARA | Airborne Reconnaissance Architecture |
ARA | Automatic Reimbursement Account |
ARA | Advanced Rate Annuity |
ARA | Aggregate Risk Analysis |
ARA | Antibes Rallye Association (French racing association) |
ARA | Accelerated Readiness Analysis |
ARA | Asynchronous Ripple Adder |
ARA | Army Registration Authority |
ARA | Active Radar Array |
ARA | Another Right Answer |
ARA | Annual Review of Agriculture |
ARA | Action Réhabilitation Assistance (French: Action Rehabilitation Assistance) |
ARA | Auto Rétro Activité (French: Auto Retro Activity; automobile club; Richwiller, France) |