GCFGreatest Common Factor
GCFGreen Climate Fund (UN)
GCFGrace Community Fellowship (various locations)
GCFGoogle Chrome Frame (software)
GCFGynecologic Cancer Foundation
GCFGrands Chai de France (French winemaker)
GCFGerman Car Fan
GCFGlobal Certification Forum
GCFGatekeeper Confirmation
GCFGraduate Christian Fellowship
GCFGlobal Certification Forum (partnership between network operators and terminal manufacturers)
GCFGingival Crevicular Fluid
GCFGood Clean Fun (band)
GCFGross Capital Formation
GCFGeneric Connection Framework
GCFGreater Cincinnati Foundation
GCFGreater Central Florida
GCFGroupe Coopération Forestière (French: Forestry Cooperation Group)
GCFGarden City Fund (Singapore)
GCFGsm Certification Forum
GCFgiant cell fibroblastoma
GCFGoodwill Community Foundation
GCFGerman Computer Freaks
GCFGround Communications Facility
GCFGC-rich sequence DNA-binding factor
GCFGreek Chess Federation (est. 1948)
GCFGun Carriage Factory (Madhya Pradesh, India)
GCFGuralp Compressed Format (floppy disk data format)
GCFGrid Controlled Fluoroscopy (Philips)
GCFGlobal Coherence Field
GCFGlass-Ceramic Ferrule
GCFGuaranteed Car Finance (UK)
GCFGerman Car Fans, LLC
GCFGeorgian Chess Federation
GCFGrid Characterization Facility
GCFGreen Chile Festival
GCFGreenfield Coalition Fundamentals
GCFGerman City Fighter (gaming)
GCFGaussian Correction Functions
GCFGluten and Casein Free
GCFGroupe Canada France (French-Canadian networking club)
GCFGlobal Compliance Forum