HTHome Theater
HTHigh Tech
HTHigh Temperature
HTHypertension (high blood pressure)
HTHeat (real estate)
HTHeat Transfer
HTHaiti (ISO country code, top level domain)
HTHeights (street type)
HTHeat Treatment
HTHot Tub
HTHydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
HTHeat Treated
HTHyper-Threading Technology (Intel)
HTHormone Therapy
HTHot Topic (clothing retailer)
HTHuman Trafficking
HTHigh Tension (as in electric power transmission)
HTHigh-Technology (1980s Cadillac engines)
HTHigh Tensile
HTHors Taxes (French: Excluding Taxes)
HTHrvatski Telekom (Croatian Telecom)
HTHybrid Tea (type of rose)
HTHi There
HTHeight of Target
HTHolding Tank
HTHardtail (bike suspension)
HTHeavy Trucks
HTHome Teacher
HTHetian (China)
HTHolding Time
HTHigh Threshold
HTHarris Teeter (grocery store)
HTHough Transform
HTHotan (China)
HTHuman Torch (comic)
HTHome Teaching (LDS church)
HTHorizontal Tab
HTHilly Terrain
HTHappy Thanksgiving
HTHead Tilt (stretching exercise)
HTHat Tip
HTHyper-Transport (AMD)
HTHostile Takeover (gaming)
HTHighland Terrace (Elementary School; Shoreline School District)
HTHeat Therapy
HTHand Tucked (wire rope splice)
HTHoliday Truths (UK)
HTHot Truck (Cornell University)
HTHighway Transport (trucking company)
HTHybrid Theory (Linkin Park album)
HTHigh Templar (Starcraft unit)
HTHistology Technician
HTHammer Throw
HTHelicopter Training Squadron
HTHolland Tunnel (Jersey City / Lower Manhattan)
HTHosting Talk
HTHostile Territory
HTHarriet Tubman
HTHeavy Timber
HTHuman Transporter (Segway LLC)
HTHorse Transport (WW I)
HTHydrothermally Treated
HTHeads-Tails (possible outcome for flipping a coin twice)
HTHizb al-Tahrir (Islamist political party)
HTHired Transport
HTHanshin Tigers (Japanese professional baseball team)
HTHandheld Transceiver (walkie-talkie)
HTHashimoto Thyroiditis
HTHerding Tested
HTHand Timed (track and field)
HTHague Tribunal
HTHandi-Talkie (two way radio)
HTHarmonic Tuned
HTHand Talk (Radio)
HTHalo Trust
HTHide Turtle (Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command)
HTHyperion Telecommunications, Inc.
HTHarm Touch (gaming)
HTHighty-Tighty (Regimental Band of the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets)
HTHamilton Tigercats
HTHoc Tempore (Latin: At This Time)
HTHeavy Terminal
HTTritiated Hydrogen Gas
HTHumanoid Typhoon (Anime title Trigun)
HTHypothermally Treated (EPA)
HTHirohiigo Togashi (gaming)
HTHordes of the Things (TV show)
HTTransmitter Height
HTHalt Typing (terminal command)
HTHybrid Trunk
HTHalotracks (Halo gaming clan)
HTHindutsan Times
HTHardtastic (gaming clan)
HTHigh Tension Tank (electron microscopy)
HTHypertropia at Distance (ophthalmology; opposite of hypotropia)
HTHypotropia At Distance (ophthalmology)
HTHovedstadens Trafikselskab (Danish for the Capital's Traffic Organisation (Bus System))
HT(USN Rating) Hull Maintenance Technician