HDLAHollister Dual Language Academy (Hollister, CA)
HDLAHypothesis Driven Lexical Adaptation
HDLAHull and District Landlords Association (UK)
HDLAHarbor Defenses of Los Angeles
HDLAHull District Landlords Association (UK)
HDLAHolly Drive Leadership Academy (San Diego, CA)
HDLAHardware Description Language Analog
HDLAHills District Little Athletics (Australia)
HDLAHistory Day Los Angeles
HDLAHodgkin's Disease & Lymphoma Association (now Lymphoma Association in the UK)
HDLAHigh Dam Lake Authority
HDLAHarvey Delaney Landscape Architects (Lynchburg, VA)
HDLAHowick District Landowners Association (South Africa)
HDLAHigh Definition Los Angeles