Acronym | Definition |
HDLA | Hollister Dual Language Academy (Hollister, CA) |
HDLA | Hypothesis Driven Lexical Adaptation |
HDLA | Hull and District Landlords Association (UK) |
HDLA | Harbor Defenses of Los Angeles |
HDLA | Hull District Landlords Association (UK) |
HDLA | Holly Drive Leadership Academy (San Diego, CA) |
HDLA | Hardware Description Language Analog |
HDLA | Hills District Little Athletics (Australia) |
HDLA | History Day Los Angeles |
HDLA | Hodgkin's Disease & Lymphoma Association (now Lymphoma Association in the UK) |
HDLA | High Dam Lake Authority |
HDLA | Harvey Delaney Landscape Architects (Lynchburg, VA) |
HDLA | Howick District Landowners Association (South Africa) |
HDLA | High Definition Los Angeles |