Acronym | Definition |
HDP | HTML (HyperText Markup Language) Design Principles |
HDP | Hijo de Puta (Spanish: Son of a Bitch) |
HDP | Herbes de Provence (French herbs) |
HDP | Heavy Duty Professional (warranty) |
HDP | Hermes Data Processing |
HDP | High Definition Processor |
HDP | High Definition Printing |
HDP | High Density Plasma |
HDP | High Density Polyethylene |
HDP | Hazardous Duty Pay |
HDP | High Density Particle Board (various companies) |
HDP | Health Development Plan (various organizations) |
HDP | Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Programme |
HDP | Hound Dog Products (est. 1994) |
HDP | Hazara Democratic Party (Pakistan) |
HDP | Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy |
HDP | High Definition Player (Blu-ray or HD DVD) |
HDP | Hard Drive Password |
HDP | Hurricane Destruction Potential |
HDP | Hydrocarbon Dew Point |
HDP | Holddown Post (US NASA) |
HDP | Help Desk Plus (software) |
HDP | Historically Disadvantaged Persons |
HDP | Hydro-Dynamic Products (UK) |
HDP | Housing Developer Pro (Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. software) |
HDP | Home Design Products |
HDP | High Definition Porn |
HDP | Handoff Call-Dropping Probability |
HDP | High Density Design Packaging and Microsystem Integration (IEEE symposium) |
HDP | Home Defense Program |
HDP | High Density Presort (Canada Post) |
HDP | High Delta Pressure |
HDP | Healthy Diet Pyramid (Singapore) |
HDP | Human Development Policy |
HDP | Hot Dog Party |
HDP | Homeland Defense Program |
HDP | High Dual Peak |
HDP | High Discard Priority |
HDP | Half-Done Productions (forum) |
HDP | Home Delivery Platform (Ireland and UK) |
HDP | Handover Distribution Point (Telecom) |
HDP | High Desert Patriots (California) |