Acronym | Definition |
FRC | FIRST Robotics Competition |
FRC | Family Research Council (Washington DC Advocacy Group) |
FRC | Financial Reporting Council (UK) |
FRC | Family Resource Center |
FRC | Functional Residual Capacity (pulmonary function) |
FRC | Fédération Romande des Consommateurs (French: Romande Consumer Federation; Switzerland) |
FRC | Federal Resource Center |
FRC | Frame Rate Converter (video) |
FRC | Feather River College (Quincy, CA) |
FRC | Fédération pour la Recherche sur le Cerveau (French: Brain Research Federation) |
FRC | Frame Rate Code |
FRC | Friendly Rate Control |
FRC | Functional Redundancy Checking |
FRC | Frame Rate Converter |
FRC | Full Rate Channel |
FRC | Frame Rate Control |
FRC | Firewall Reporting Center |
FRC | Fiscal Responsibility Commission (Nigeria) |
FRC | Fleet Readiness Center (NAVAIR) |
FRC | Fast Response Cutter (boat: US Coast Guard) |
FRC | Federal Records Center |
FRC | French Red Cross |
FRC | Field Reversed Configuration |
FRC | Field Robotics Center |
FRC | Federal Radio Commission |
FRC | Flight Research Center |
FRC | Fédération Régionale des Chasseurs (French: Regional Federation of Hunters) |
FRC | Family Records Centre (UK) |
FRC | Fiber Reinforced Composite |
FRC | Financial Research Corp. (Boston, MA) |
FRC | Full Retail Contestability (Australia) |
FRC | Financial Reconstruction Commission (Japan) |
FRC | Full Retail Competition |
FRC | Finnish Red Cross |
FRC | Federal Resource Coordinator (US FEMA) |
FRC | Family Resiliency Center (various organizations) |
FRC | Forward Rate Curve (interest) |
FRC | Federal Radiation Council |
FRC | Frankford Radio Club |
FRC | Flame Retardant Clothing (body protection) |
FRC | Farriers Registration Council (UK) |
FRC | Fatah Revolutionary Council (Abu Nidal Organization) |
FRC | Fuel Recovery Charge (fee) |
FRC | Federal Regional Center |
FRC | Family Rehabilitation Centre |
FRC | Florida Research Consortium (Tallahassee, FL) |
FRC | Faculty Recruitment Conference (Association of American Law Schools) |
FRC | Fitness Recreation Center (various locations) |
FRC | Fixed Roof Coupe (Chevrolet Corvette) |
FRC | Facility Responsible Centre |
FRC | Frequency Response Curve |
FRC | Force Reconnaissance Company |
FRC | Fast Response Craft (offshore production and exploration) |
FRC | Forest Resources and Conservation |
FRC | Front Range Consulting (Colorado) |
FRC | False Roman Cancel (gaming) |
FRC | Fort Richmond Collegiate |
FRC | Funding Review Committee (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency) |
FRC | Fixed Rate Credit |
FRC | Forza Racing Club (est. 2007) |
FRC | Fathers Raising Children |
FRC | Flagg Ranch Company (Wyoming) |
FRC | Final Reproducible Copy |
FRC | Full Route Clearance |
FRC | First Robotics Canada |
FRC | Federal Response Center |
FRC | Feasibility Review Conference (USACE) |
FRC | Franklin Residential College (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia) |
FRC | Fuel Rail Cover (automobiles) |
FRC | Free Range Chicken |
FRC | Fraunhofer Resource Center (Michigan) |
FRC | Franchise Relations Committee |
FRC | Family Registration Certificate (Pakistan and Sri Lanka) |
FRC | Full Rate Codec |
FRC | Federal Retirement Calculator |
FRC | Foul Release Coatings (marine paint) |
FRC | Fichier des Recherches Criminelles (French: Criminal Investigation File) |
FRC | Facility Review Committee |
FRC | Fisher Registration Card (Asia, Pacific) |
FRC | Fort Richmond Centurions |
FRC | Fleet Response Concept |
FRC | Flexible Ribbon Cable |
FRC | Fixed Replacement Cache |
FRC | Family Relationship Code (US Navy supply) |
FRC | Functional Requirements Committee |
FRC | Fast Reiterative Censoring (method) |
FRC | Fraternity of the Rosy Cross (or Frater de Rosa et Crucis) |
FRC | Failure Rate of Components |
FRC | Frame Redundancy Check (Cisco) |
FRC | Funding Resource Code |
FRC | Franca, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Airport Code) |
FRC | Fuselage Responsibility Center (aviation) |
FRC | Frame Relay Capabilities |
FRC | Fukuoka REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) Corporation (Japan) |
FRC | Fleet Readiness Command |
FRC | Fraction of Residential Power supplied by Coal (Carolina Environmental Program) |
FRC | Federal Reserve Council |
FRC | French Riviera Club |
FRC | Franconia Mennonite Conference |
FRC | Financial Responsibility Centre (Canada) |