Acronym | Definition |
IDD | Iodine Deficiency Disorders |
IDD | Inderdaad (Dutch: Indeed) |
IDD | International Direct Dialing |
IDD | Infrastructure Development Department (India) |
IDD | Indeed |
IDD | Investment Dealers' Digest |
IDD | Immune Deficiency Disease |
IDD | Institutional Development Division (various locations) |
IDD | Intrathecal Drug Delivery |
IDD | Interface Design Description Document |
IDD | Integrated Data Dictionary |
IDD | Identifier Dialog |
IDD | Interactive Digital Disc |
IDD | Integrated Data Directory |
IDD | Internet Data Distribution |
IDD | Itinéraire de Découverte (French: Routes of Discovery; education) |
IDD | Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
IDD | Initial Disclosure Document (UK) |
IDD | Instrument Deployment Device (NASA JPL Mars Exploration Rover) |
IDD | Infrastructure Design Document |
IDD | Instructor Dive Development (est. 1992) |
IDD | Integrated Dell Desktop |
IDD | Interface Design Document |
IDD | Interface Design Description |
IDD | Internal Disc Decompression (lower back pain treatment) |
IDD | Intelligent Downlink Diversity (computer networking) |
IDD | Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (therapy) |
IDD | Intervertebral Differential Dynamics |
IDD | Interface Definition Document |
IDD | Intervertebral Disc Disease |
IDD | Internal Displacement Division |
IDD | Intervertebral Disc Degeneration |
IDD | Integrated Data Dictionary (CA-IDMS) |
IDD | Initial Delivery Date (various organizations) |
IDD | Interior Design Directory |
IDD | Innovative Drug Discovery, Inc. (Pennsylvania) |
IDD | International Direct Deposit |
IDD | I Don't Disagree |
IDD | Institut für Druckmaschinen und Druckverfahren (German: Institute of Presses and Printing; Darmstadt, Germany) |
IDD | Improvised Device Defeat (US TSWG) |
IDD | In-Device Delay (US Department of Energy) |
IDD | Insulin Dependant Diabetes |
IDD | International Defence Directory (Jane Research and Information Services) |
IDD | Instrument Description Document |
IDD | Interface Description Document |
IDD | Instructional Development and Delivery (Fox Valley Technical College; Appleton, WI) |
IDD | Instituto de Desarrollo de Directivos (Spanish: Management Development Institute) |
IDD | Inventory Dollar Days |
IDD | Infratools Desktop Discovery (Peregrine Systems) |
IDD | Invatamint Deschis la Distanta (Romanian: Open Distance Education) |
IDD | Interim Dry-Docking |
IDD | Information Delivery Device |
IDD | Ideal De-Correlating Detector |
IDD | Identity of Key to Be Discontinued (FIPS) |
IDD | I Don Die (Internet slang) |
IDD | Information Data Display |
IDD | Irrigation and Drainage Department |
IDD | Intentional Deficit Disorder |
IDD | I Disagree Dude (Internet slang) |
IDD | Interpacket Delay Difference |
IDD | Intermediate Design Document |
IDD | Interface Designation Drawing |
IDD | Interdirector Designation |
IDD | Integration Design Document |