IDEAImprovement and Development Agency (UK government)
IDEAInnovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (National Academies)
IDEAInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
IDEAInternational Data Encryption Algorithm (cryptography method by Xuejia Lai and James Massey)
IDEAInternational Debate Education Association
IDEAIowa Department of Education
IDEAInternational Design Excellence Awards (Industrial Designers Society of America)
IDEAInternational Diaspora Engagement Alliance (Washington, DC)
IDEAIndustrial Design Excellence Awards
IDEAImplementation Dependant Expansion Area
IDEAInternational Data Encryption Algorithm
IDEAInstitute of Development in Automotive Engineering
IDEAInstituto para el Desarrollo Empresarial de la Argentina
IDEAInternational Dialects of English Archive
IDEAInternational District Energy Association (formerly National District Heating Association)
IDEAIowa Department of Elder Affairs (Des Moines, IA)
IDEAIndustry Data Exchange Association
IDEAIrish Doctors Environmental Association
IDEAIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1990
IDEAInnovative Development through Employee Awareness (US Air Force suggestion program)
IDEAInternational Dance Exercise Association
IDEAIndividual Development and Educational Assessment
IDEAInternational Diving Educators Association
IDEAInstituto para el Desarrollo de Antioquia (Medellín, Colombia)
IDEAInstituto de Derecho y Economía Ambiental (Spanish: Institute for Environmental Law and Economics)
IDEAFundación Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (Caracas, Venezuela)
IDEAInstitute for Democracy, Education & Access (UCLA)
IDEAIntegrated Data for Enforcement Analysis
IDEAIdentification Electronique des Animaux (French)
IDEAInteractive Data Exploration and Analysis
IDEAInternet Design, Engineering, and Analysis
IDEAInfusing Satellite Data Into Environmental Applications
IDEAInternational Development Enterprise Associates
IDEAInnovative Demonstrations for Energy Adaptability (New York, NY)
IDEAInternational Data Exchange Association
IDEAIndiana Democratic Editorial Association
IDEAInstitute for Defense Education and Analysis
IDEAImprove by Developing Efficient Alternatives
IDEAInternational Defense Educational Arrangement
IDEAIntelligent Design Aid
IDEAInternational Database for Ecoprofile Analysis
IDEAInternet Development and Exchange Association
IDEAInventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (behavioral science)
IDEAIntegrated Design/Engineering Aide
IDEAInstant Discounts Electronically Applied (Marsh Supermarkets)
IDEAIntelligent Document Exchange Architecture
IDEAInterdisciplinary Education and Action Program
IDEAIdentify, Define, Empower, Assess
IDEAIndividuals Dedicated to Excellence and Achievement
IDEAIntegrated Design Engineering Activity
IDEAIntegrity Design & Engineering Associates (engineering firm)
IDEAImperial College London, Delft University of Technology, ETH Zurich, RWTH Aachen University (European technical Universities league)
IDEAInnovative in Developing Enterprising Activities
IDEAInverted Duplication Exchange and Advocacy
IDEAIndividual Development and Educational Advancement
IDEAInterrelationships, Diversity, Ecosystems and Adaptations (Yosemite Institute)
IDEAImaging Double Energy Analyzer
IDEAIrish Dance and Entertainment Association
IDEAIntegrated Development Emulation and Analysis
IDEAInstitute for Democratic Education in America (Tarrytown, NY)