IDEALIntelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (international conference)
IDEALInternational Digital Electronic Access Library
IDEALIncremental Decrease in Endpoints Through Aggressive Lipid Lowering (heart medication trial)
IDEALIntegrated Data to Enhance Arizona's Learning
IDEALInitiating, Diagnosing, Establishing, Acting, Learning (Software Engineering Institute model)
IDEALInternational Decade of East African Lakes
IDEALIntelligent Data Exploration and Analysis Laboratory (various locations)
IDEALInitiating, Diagnosing, Establishing, Acting, Leveraging
IDEALInstitute for the Development of Education, Arts and Leisure
IDEALIndependently-Developable End-User Assessable Logical (programming)
IDEALIdentify, Define, Explore, Act, Look (problem solving methodology)
IDEALInnovative Double Exposure by Advanced Lithography
IDEALInitiating Dialysis Early and Late Trial (medical trial)
IDEALIndividualized Developmental Educational Approaches to Learning (school)
IDEALIdentify, Determine, Evaluate, Act, and Learn (problem-solving model)
IDEALInhalation, Deposition, and Exhalation of Aerosols in/from the Lungs
IDEALIntegrated Design & Engineering Analysis Languages
IDEALIrish Domestic Electrical Appliances Limited