HFHigh Frequency (3-30 MHz; 100-10m)
HFHeart Failure
HFHydrogen Fluoride
HFHalf Life (game)
HFHedge Fund
HFHigh Fidelity
HFHave Fun
HFHigh Functioning
HFHot Fix
HFHarrison Ford
HFHarvest Festival (various organizations)
HFHolland Festival (est. 1947)
HFHarbor Freight
HFHalogen Free
HFHistorisk-Filosofiske Fakultet (Department of Arts, University of Oslo, Norway)
HFHellfire (antiarmor, laser guided, air-to-ground weapon)
HFHeritage Foundation
HFHuman Factor(s)
HFHack Forum (anime)
HFHip Fracture
HFHigh Five (internet gaming)
HFHorizontal Flight (aviation)
HFHemorrhagic Fever
HFHappy Face
HFHlutafelag (Icelandic corporate designation)
HFHelicopter Flight
HFHuck Finn (book)
HFHot Finish (steel)
HFHigh Force
HFHeroic Fantasy
HFHard Failure
HFHyper Fighting (Street Fighter: Hyper Fighting game)
HFHydroflouric (Acid)
HFHageman Factor
HFHome Fleet (British, WWII)
HFHeight Finder
HFHuman Failure
HFHydrogen Fill
HFHabitat Fragmentation (conservation biology)
HFHazard Function
HFHapag Lloyd Flug (IATA airline code)
HFHázi Feladat (Hungarian: homework)
HFHidden Frontier (Star Trek internet-based fanfilm)
HFHaze Filter
HFHeight-Finding (radar)
HFHorizontal Fusion
HFHigh Forage
HFHonda Foundry Co., Ltd. (Japan)
HFHarlequin Fetus
HFHarassing Fire
HFHormone Foundation
HFHabbo Forum
HFHarmony Foundation
HFHydro Foil
HFHonor Farm (Alabama prison program)
HFHazards Forum
HFFailed in the House (defeated business of the House of Representatives, North Carolina)
HFHellforge (gaming, Diablo 2)
HFHouse Forsaken (gaming guild)
HFHandling Fixture
HFHammer Forum
HFHydraulfunktion (Swedish electrohydraulics manufacturer)
HFHomeLAN Federation (gaming administrators)
HFHinkle Fieldhouse (Indiana)
HFHarrier Force
HFHemochromatosis Foundation
HFHazard of Failure
HFHead Foreman
HFHybridization Factor
HFHolmesdale Fanatics (football ultras group)
HFHoly Fudge (polite form)
HFHatof Foundation
HFHeredes Fecerunt (Latin: His/Her Heirs Made, epigraphy)
HFHeres Fecit (Latin: His/Her Heir Made, epigraphy)
HFHull Fitter
HFHold For/Held For