GSCGraduate Student Council
GSCGeological Survey of Canada (Department of Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada)
GSCGlobal Supply Chain (various organizations)
GSCGlenville State College
GSCGood Samaritan College (various locations)
GSCGlobal Strike Command (US Air Force)
GSCGuide Star Catalog (for Hubble Space Telescope)
GSCGeneric Sildenafil Citrate (drug)
GSCGold/Silver/Crystal (Pokémon video game series)
GSCGlenwood Springs (Amtrak station code; Glenwood Springs, CO)
GSCGoodwill Southern California
GSCGolden Screen Cinemas
GSCGraphics System Connect
GSCGrab Sample Container
GSCGroup Start Code
GSCGlobal Session Control
GSCGeneral Services Commission
GSCGrid Support Centre
GSCGlasgow Science Centre
GSCGeological Society of China (est. 1922)
GSCGlobal Standards Collaboration
GSCGenome Sequencing Center
GSCGeorgia State Championship (mountain bike racing)
GSCGalapagos Spreading Center
GSCGold Seal Certification (Canadian Construction Association)
GSCGeneralized Sidelobe Canceller
GSCGeneral Services Commission (Texas)
GSCGermline Stem Cell
GSCGeneral Service Contractor
GSCGirl Scout Cookies
GSCGunsmith Cats (anime)
GSCGlenwood Springs, Colorado
GSCGenetic Savings & Clone (USA)
GSCGas-Solid Chromatography
GSCGraduate Student Coordinator (various schools)
GSCGhana Shippers' Council (now Ghana Shippers' Authority)
GSCGround Security Coordinator (airline industry)
GSCGurango Software Corporation (Philippines)
GSCGraduate Studies Conference (various schools)
GSCGOOS Steering Committee
GSCGeneralized Selection Combining
GSCGovernment Study Commission
GSCGlassboro State College
GSCGlobal Security Client (software)
GSCGolden State Communications (California)
GSCGeorgia Southern College
GSCGulf States Conference
GSCGeneral Steel Castings (railway cars)
GSCGovernment Security Committee
GSCGeneral System Connect
GSCGenetics Savings & Clone (UK)
GSCGood Shepherd Communities (New York)
GSCGuilford Shellfish Commision (Guilford, CT)
GSCGroup Switching Centre
GSCGeneral System Characteristic
GSCGeorgeson Shareholder Communications
GSCGateway Surgical Centre (Newham University Hospital; UK)
GSCGeneral Sciences Corp. (SAIC subsidiary)
GSCGround Station Control
GSCGameshark Central (website)
GSCGuitar System Controller
GSCGeneral Staff Council
GSCGenerator Set Controller
GSCGraphics System Connect (TAC-4)
GSCGunster Student Center (University of Scranton)
GSCGridlock System Computer
GSCGround Systems Controller
GSCGland Seal Condenser
GSCGovernment Sponsored Corporation
GSCGlobal Survey Cycle
GSCGouvernement Secret Cubain
GSCGross Sales Charge (finance)
GSCGrooming Switch Card
GSCGrid Spot Converter
GSCGroup Study Course
GSCChief Gas Turbine System Technician (Naval Rating)
GSCGlobal Solutions Consulting, Inc (Century City, CA)