Acronym | Definition |
GAPP | Generally Accepted Privacy Principles |
GAPP | General Administration of Press and Publication (China) |
GAPP | German American Partnership Program |
GAPP | Groupes d'Analyse de Pratiques Professionnelles (French: Professional Practices Analysis Groups) |
GAPP | Groupe d’Aide Psycho-Pédagogique (French: Psycho-Educational Help Group) |
GAPP | Groupement Genevois des Associations de Parents d'Elèves du Primaire (French: Geneva Group of Associations of Parents of Primary Students; Switzerland) |
GAPP | Groupement d'Achats pour Particuliers (French: Purchasing Group for Individuals) |
GAPP | Geometric Arithmetic Parallel Processor |
GAPP | Groupement d'Action Protection Privée (French: Private Protection Action Group; Sénégal) |
GAPP | Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme |
GAPP | Gang Alternative Prevention Program |
GAPP | General Agreement on Parallel Paths (electricity deregulation) |
GAPP | Guidelines for Assessing Postnatal Problems |
GAPP | Government-Assisted PC Program |
GAPP | Great Ape Phenome Project |
GAPP | Generalized A Posteriori Probability |
GAPP | Georgia Association of Plant Pathologists |
GAPP | Good Agricultural Practices Program (Georgia Crop Improvement Association) |