Acronym | Definition |
GAR | Grand Army of the Republic |
GAR | Gestion Axée sur les Résultats (French: Results-Based Management; various locations) |
GAR | George A. Romero (film director) |
GAR | Go Around (aviation) |
GAR | Golden Age of Radio (radio show) |
GAR | Gross as Received (energy value) |
GAR | Gallatin Association of Realtors (Montana) |
GAR | Gross Annual Revenue (various locations) |
GAR | Green-Amber-Red |
GAR | Groupe d'Action Royaliste (French: Royalist Action Group) |
GAR | General Application Release |
GAR | General Assembly Resolution (UN) |
GAR | Great Aloha Run (Hawaii) |
GAR | Gestion des Aides Régionales (French: Management Regional Aids) |
GAR | Get A Room |
GAR | Greater Asia Region (business region) |
GAR | Groupement Ambulancier Roannais (French: Roannais Ambulance Group) |
GAR | Great Astrolabe Reef (Fiji) |
GAR | Grupo de Acción Rápida (Guatemala) |
GAR | Governors' Annual Report (UK; Department for Education and Skills) |
GAR | Government Affairs Representative |
GAR | Global Alliance Realty (Japan) |
GAR | Gagny Auto Rétro (French car associations) |
GAR | Groupe Achat Recherche (French: Group Buying Search) |
GAR | Guided Aircraft Rocket |
GAR | Gateway Access Request |
GAR | Governors Authorized Representative |
GAR | Gate Acceptance Rate |
GAR | GPRS Aggregation Router |
GAR | Grow Analysis & Review |
GAR | Guided Antiarmor Rocket |
GAR | Gigabit Access Router |
GAR | Grand Army of the Republic Band (Medina, OH) |