FvFFreunde von Freunden (German: Friends of Friends; international interview magazine)
FvFFilm/Video Festival (various locations)
FvFFinal Value Fee (eBay auctions fee - based on a percent of the final selling price)
FvFFractal Video Frame
FvFFinal Value Fee
FvFFlexible Vertex Format
FvFFederación Venezolana de Fútbol (Venezuelan Football Federation)
FvFFederatie voor Verzekerings- en Financiële (French: Insurance and Financial Federation; Belgium)
FvFFlexible Vertex Format (programming)
FvFFormation Volume Factor (oil & gas risk management)
FvFFuture Vs. Fantasy (Quake modification)
FvFFaction Vs Faction (gaming)
FvFFalklands Veterans Foundation (UK)
FvFFranklinville Volunteer Fire Department
FvFFull Virginia Flake (tobacco)
FvFFiber Volume Fraction (composite material)
FvFFarmville Freak (gaming)
FvFFlexible Vertex Flags (DirectX)
FvFFarmville Feed (gaming)