Acronym | Definition |
ARTS | Addiction Research and Treatment Services (Colorado) |
ARTS | Action Real Time Strategy (gaming) |
ARTS | AMEDD (Army Medical Department) Resource Tracking System |
ARTS | Advanced Robotics Technology and Systems (Italy) |
ARTS | American Radio Telephone System |
ARTS | Adaptive Restraint Technology System |
ARTS | Adaptive Restraint Technology System (vehicles) |
ARTS | Arts Recognition and Talent Search |
ARTS | Analog Real Time Synthesizer (audio framework) |
ARTS | Automated Radar Terminal System |
ARTS | Association of Retail Technology Standards |
ARTS | Automated Radar Tracking System |
ARTS | Archival and Retrieval System |
ARTS | Asphalt Rubber Technology Service (Clemson University) |
ARTS | All-purpose Remote Transport System |
ARTS | Accelerated Ray-Tracing System |
ARTS | Asynchronous Remote Takeover Server |
ARTS | Acquisition Requirements Tracking System (US Army) |
ARTS | Area Rapid Transit Service |
ARTS | Automatic Range Transponder System |
ARTS | Amen-Ra Theological Seminary |
ARTS | Advanced Rural Transportation System |
ARTS | Automated Remote Tracking Stations |
ARTS | Assured Real-Time Services |
ARTS | Advanced Real-Time Simulation (System) |
ARTS | Automatic Radar Terminal System |
ARTS | Army Training Study |
ARTS | Automated Resource Tracking System |
ARTS | Automated Resource Tracking System (NASA) |
ARTS | Appleton Resources for Teachers and Students |
ARTS | Anticipatory Reactor Trip System |
ARTS | Air Route Traffic System |
ARTS | Advanced Rid Tracking System |
ARTS | Aviation Resource Training System (US DoD) |
ARTS | Automated Regional Tracking System |
ARTS | Automated Requirements Tractability System |
ARTS | Automated Routine Testing System (Sprint) |
ARTS | Airborne Radar Target Simulator |
ARTS | Affordable Readiness Tracking System |
ARTS | Army Reports-Of-Discrepancy Tracking System |
ARTS | Advanced Records Technologies & Systems |
ARTS | Alignment Reference Transfer System (LODE) |